Select the type of action you are interested in
Post to Front Porch Forum
Posting to Front Porch Forum is one of the most impactful actions you can take because it amplifies your voice across the entire community. When posting to FPF, here are some suggestions to consider:
Telling your personal story is powerful.
How has your life been affected by Vermont’s regressive tax structure? Are you filling the squeeze this year? How is the ed funding crisis impacting your community? The more personal and local you make your posting, the more powerful it will be.
Be civil and respectful.
Do not engage in personal attacks. Be sure to follow FPF’s Terms of Use.
Consider mentioning a specific bill.
We are advocating for S.104, which would change Vermont’s property tax system to a progressive, income-based structure. This would make education financing more equitable by basing contributions on an individual’s ability to pay, with high-earners paying the most, rather than the value of their property.
If you disagree with the specifics of S.104, but otherwise support a wealth tax, please consider making your thoughts and suggestions known.
Consider urging others to follow your lead.
By posting to FPF you just exemplified the incredible power we have as citizens within a democracy! Consider including a call to action asking others to do the same and/or write to your representatives so that your community can exert as much influence as possible.
Contact Your Representative
Do not underestimate the power of doing this. Vermont has the third lowest ratio of population to state legislators in the nation. Because of this, outreach from constituents has an enormous influence on their legislative decision-making. We win by letting legislators know, district by district, that we expect them to follow the will of the people. Together, they cannot stop us.
Step 1: Find your representatives
a) Search for your local representative by name or town on the official state website.
b) You can click on the districts listed there to see a map if you are unsure which one you reside in.
c) The Governor’s contact information can be found here.
Step 2: Draft your message
Here are some helpful tips for you as you put together your message:
a) It doesn’t have to be long. The goal here is simply to create pressure by letting them know that their constituents care about and are paying attention to this issue. The email itself achieves that.
b) We are asking for a progressive property tax for top earners, or a wealth tax to be introduced and passed this session. We are specifically interested in S.104, which would change Vermont’s property tax system to a progressive, income-based structure. This would make education financing more equitable by basing contributions on an individual’s ability to pay, with high-earners paying the most, rather than the value of their property.
c) Speak from the heart and urge your lawmaker to support these bills! Remember, you pay more because they pay less!
d) Mention you are their constituent.
e) If you would like more information about the above bills or wealth taxes you can find it here.
Step 3: Send your message to your Representative, Senator, and the Governor’s office
It is essential that your message go to these three groups because in 2024 a previous attempt at a wealth tax, H.829, passed in the house but died in the senate, and Phil Scott went on the record against taxing the wealthy.
Step 4: Congratulate yourself and consider more
Wow! You just did something most people don’t, which is how we got into this mess in the first place. Take a moment to congratulate yourself. Then consider returning to the top of the page to take further action.