Read the full bill here.

What would S.104 Do?

Eliminates the Homestead Education Property Tax, reducing the burden on Vermont homeowners. You will no longer pay property taxes to fund education whatsoever.

Creates an Education Income Tax, where wealthier residents contribute more, while lower-income residents pay less. People pay based on what they earn, not what their home is worth.

Protect Renters by expanding renter tax credits, so landlords can’t pass tax costs down unfairly.

Keep Schools Locally Funded – Towns still set school budgets, but funding will be more equitable.

Second homes, commercial properties, and investment properties would still pay an education property tax.

Implements a One-Year Transitional Tax on High Earners – A temporary top tax rate on Vermont’s highest incomes will ensure schools remain fully funded during the transition period.

Who would Benefit?

Homeowners – No more property taxes funding schools.

Renters – Increased tax credits mean landlords can’t just raise rents to cover school taxes.

Seniors on fixed incomes – No more unpredictable property tax hikes.

Middle- and lower-income Vermonters – You pay based on your income, not the value of your home.

Who would Pay more?

Wealthier Vermonters with high incomes will contribute more under the progressive income-based system.

Second-home owners & businesses would still pay property taxes.