Stop Protecting the ultra-Privileged.
Start Investing in Vermont.

You’re paying higher taxes because our representatives refuse to make the wealthiest among us pay their fare share.

How Wealth is Distributed in Vermont

Source: Vermont Joint Fiscal Office
Average wealth is grouped by income percentile

How Property Tax Burden is Distributed in Vermont

Source: Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
By share of family income spent on property taxes

Last year we saw historic increases in property taxes for working people across Vermont.

Now the legislature is debating cutting services and school funding to avoid taxing you further.

But there is one solution leadership refuses to discuss…

Making those who have the most
and pay the least
pay more.

Last year the Scott Administration showed it would rather cut funding than tax the rich.

After a wealth tax passed the Vermont House of Representatives in 2024, Scott and his allies killed the bill in the senate.

We have a pretty progressive tax policy here in the state already. I’m not sure how many more of the wealthy there are, and how much more we’re going to reap from them without them moving.

-Phil Scott

Not so!

Millionaire Households: Vermont vs. Other States

It’s time for a fairer tax system in vermont

Our representatives cannot be counted on to do the right thing unless we make them.

Protecting the Wealthy at the expense of Working Vermonters is not acceptable.

It’s time for our representatives to follow the will of the people.

day by day we grow stronger.

Together we can ensure our representatives do the right thing.


  • Even with an income tax, numerous studies have shown they do not, including in New Jersey, which enacted one of the steepest millionaire taxes in the country. And because second homes cannot be moved, continuing to tax those makes sense. In fact, many civic-minded millionaires want to be taxed more, including Ben and Jerry and prominent executives.

  • Today, the wealthy are taxed at some of the lowest rates in American history. So much so, that now that the nation’s richest families pay lower rates than working people. This is trend is also true in Vermont. Scroll to the top of this page to see more.

  • This will spur growth by allowing us to invest in what actually grows economies: working families. Cutting education funding or services is what will ultimately hurt growth, and that is the path we are on now.

  • If your home is your primary residence, you won’t pay an education property tax anymore! Instead, you’ll be taxed based on income, which is a fairer system.

  • S.104 reduces the burden on working-class and middle-income Vermonters by ensuring those with higher incomes pay their fair share.